Smoky Evening in North Central Washington Rocky Reach Dam

by Sasha S Fair
Original - Sold
24.000 x 12.000 x 0.200 inches
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Smoky Evening in North Central Washington Rocky Reach Dam
Sasha S Fair
Painting - Oil On Canvas
This is my painting of Rocky Reach Dam on the Columbia River between Lake Chelan and Wenatchee Valley. Often summer wildfires bring smoke to the air, and it creates smoky purple and pink cloud over the valley. This interesting color effect I represented in this painting. The Rocky Reach Hydro Project is located in north central Washington state on the Columbia River, about seven miles upstream from the city of Wenatchee. By river, the dam is 215 miles below the Canadian border, and 473 miles above the mouth of the Columbia at Astoria, Oregon. People throughout the Northwest benefit from clean, renewable energy produced at Rocky Reach. The project is also nationally recognized for efforts to protect the environment. A first-of-its-kind juvenile fish bypass system was completed in 2003 to help young salmon and steelhead on their way to the ocean. A major powerhouse upgrade started in 1995 includes new turbines that are more fish friendly. Improvements to turbines and generators are also designed to improve efficiency and reliability.
May 21st, 2023
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