Wenatchee Valley Spring

by Sasha S Fair
Original - Sold
20.000 x 16.000 x 0.200 inches
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Wenatchee Valley Spring
Sasha S Fair
Painting - Oil On Canvas
This is 2023 Washington State Apple Blossom Festival Painting that I was honored to create with my beautiful model Sophia. The story behind the painting began in 1908 when Henry and Augusta Feil moved here from New York. They planted an orchard on what is now North Baker Avenue in East Wenatchee. Water was hauled by wagon from the Columbia River and the fruit trees were watered by hand. This orchard is still owned by the Feil family. You see a local girl here, Sophia, whose mother emigrated from Mexico, and Sophia’s family owns and operates local orchards. Sophia is a freshman in high school, she volunteers at a local church supervising small children, and dreams of becoming a schoolteacher. While many orchards have been vanishing, the generations of families from Henry and Augusta Feil, Ernst and Susan Wagner to McDougalls, Mathisons and Wades keep working hard preserving traditions, advancing local fruit industry and inspiring our next generations. Oil on canvas. Profit from selling this painting went to scholarships for local young generation.
May 12th, 2023
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